Groupe de masques 1






Deuxième édition des CLES sur la gestion des déchets


26 mai 2023



The second edition of the Club of Strategic Issues within the framework of the Pricnac #project took place on #Friday, #November 18 within the premises of Le Boukarou on the theme: << waste management>>.
ln this edition of the keys to strategic issues, #youths were given more prominence, because the tomorrow•s #humanity depends on thenm They were invited to discuss between themselves and experts in order to underline the problems and to state solutions in accordance with the theme-
Were invited: associations, student leaders in close collaboration with the local authorities, and #Mrs Juveline Ngum CEO and co-founder of BleagLee : specialist in waste management.

She has been the winner of several international awards thanks to the manufacture of #ecological #ovens based on waste collected in the city of #Bamenda while using drones to localise waste, which are immediately collected and made available to her company

After more than two hours of#exchanges, we therefore came to the conclusion that the mulation should be #educated and #disciplined on sorting out waste because it has an unknown wealth, that can be transformed into #fertilizer, #petrol, #gas, #ecological coal, #oven to name a few
ln addition, people should be self disciplined because the beauty of our #home, #neighborhood, #city and #country depends on us.

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